Beta Chapter was the second SAI Chapter established 1904, after
the Alpha Chapter was founded in 1903 at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Beta Chapter History
Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota began over one hundred years ago when ten Northwestern music students and student teachers organized a local musical sorority and named it Emanon. During the year of 1904 the membership grew rapidly and many activities were originated and developed. Among these activities was a glee club, organized and directed by a member of Emanon. This group was the first of its kind at Northwestern, and out of it evolved the idea for the a cappella choir which was the first in this country and is still in existence today.
About one year after the organization of Emanon, representatives from The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor came to Northwestern to discuss possibilities of initiating Emanon into Sigma Alpha Iota. In December of 1904, final action was taken and Emanon became Beta chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota. Beta chapter became official on December 3 of that year.
Among the outstanding activities of Beta chapter was the origination of the Ring of Excellence, presented to the senior with the highest grade average for four years of college work. This remained exclusively a project of Beta until several years later when Hazel Richey became National President. From this time on it was a national honor and was presented to the girl who rendered the greatest service to Sigma Alpha Iota in four years of membership.
After two years of faithful service to Sigma Alpha Iota the originators of Beta Chapter became inactive and later formed the alumnae chapter, Alpha Beta. In 1945 Alpha Beta's name was changed to the Evanston-North Shore Alumnae Group, and this group was installed by Mrs. Kathleen Davison, National President (November 1, 1948). This became the Evanston Alumnae Chapter.
Beta Chapter Awards
Over the course of its lifetime, Beta Chapter has worked to excel and be the best representation of Sigma Alpha Iota possible. As with everything that Betas put their mind to, our efforts on both the regional and national level have not gone unnoticed. Here is a timeline summary of Beta's accomplishments.
Emanon was approached by the members of SAI's Alpha chapter
and invited to become the Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota.
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province Community Award (Triennium)
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
College Chapter Award for Newsletter Excellence (Triennium)*
National College Chapter Achievement Award*
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma Province College Chapter Achievement Award
National Music Education Award for our fall girl scout philanthropy*
Beta chapter is proud to have been the first ever recipient of this award.
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
Gamma A Province College Chapter Achievement Award
*National Awards
The Story of The Ring of Excellence
The Ring of Excellence, a ring in the shape of the fraternity badge with two engraved roses on the shaft, is the fraternity's highest award. It may be given by the National Executive Board or by a chapter. Currently, the Ring of Excellence is awarded to an alumna member for outstanding service.
When given by the National Executive Board, the Ring of Excellence is given for outstanding service to the National Organization or to an internationally renowned artist, scholar or teacher who was initiated as a college or non-student member.
A college or alumnae chapter may apply to award the Ring of Excellence to an alumna member who has performed exceptional service to the fraternity, who is outstanding as a musician, performer, teacher or composer and who is in good standing, i.e. completely paid Life Member. The alumna member of recognized professional standards must have received the Sword of Honor and the Rose of Honor.
One little known fact about the Ring of Excellence is that it was originally designed by members of Beta Chapter and was initially used as an internal award by only Beta. After a time, the Ring became a national award and it is now the highest honor a member of Sigma Alpha Iota can receive.